Vinicius Oike Reginatto

Sobre - PT

Sobre o Site

Neste site você vai encontrar vários posts sobre economia, mercado, visualização e análise de dados. Também escrevo vários tutoriais sobre R, a linguagem de programação que tenho maior proficiência. A maior parte dos posts e textos estão na aba Blog. Tenho alguns aplicativos, desenvolvidos com Shiny, na aba Apps.

Este site foi originalmente lançado no final de 2019, usando RMarkdown e o pacote blogdown. A versão atual foi lançada oficialmente em 2023, usando Quarto uma linguagem integrada para apresentação de análises de dados, que junta R, Python, Julia e diversas outras linguagens de programação.

Sobre Mim

Meu nome é Vinicius Oike Reginatto, sou mestre em Economia pela Universidade de São Paulo. No meu mestrado, estudei sobre teorias de crescimento econômico e escrevi sobre a história da matematização da teoria econômica.

Trabalho como consultor econômico desde 2019. Tenho experiência com projetos de infraestrutura urbana (TOD) e análise de mercado e de conjuntura econômica. Tenho um forte background quantitativo e expertise em análise de dados (R/Python).

About Me - English

About the site

On this website, you’ll find various posts about economics, data visualization, and data analysis. I also write several tutorials about R, the programming language in which I’m most proficient. Most of the posts and texts are under the Blog tab. I have some applications, developed with Shiny, under the Apps tab.

This site was originally launched in late 2019, using RMarkdown and the blogdown package. The current version was officially released in 2023, using Quarto, an integrated language for presenting data analyses, which combines R, Python, Julia, and several other programming languages.

About me

My name is Vinícius Reginatto, and I hold a degree in Economics from UFRGS, recognized as the top university in Brazil by INEP, as well as a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo (USP), consistently ranked as the best university in Latin America.

I have a strong quantitative background, that includes mathematical optimization, time series forecasting, spatial analysis, econometrics and statistics. I am proficient in Python, R, Quarto, Shiny, SQL, and the most popular machine learning algorithms. I’ve also developed packages in R and applications in Shiny. My professional background encompasses both data science and economic consulting.


Vinicius Oike, São Paulo, Brazil. Contact:


University of São Paulo | São Paulo, SP. MSc Economics1. Macroeconomics, growth theory, time series.

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul2 | Porto Alegre, RS Bachelor (B.A.) Economics. Mathematical Economics.

Work Experience

02/2022-12/2023: Economist and Data Scientist — QuintoAndar (proptech startup)

01/2020-02/2022: Data Scientist — Urbit (market intelligence startup)

08/2019-: Economic Consultant


My name is Vinícius Reginatto, and I hold a degree in Economics from UFRGS, recognized as the top university in Brazil by INEP, as well as a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo (USP), consistently ranked as the best university in Latin America.

I have a strong quantitative background, that includes mathematical optimization, time series forecasting, spatial analysis, econometrics and statistics. I am proficient in Python, R, Quarto, Shiny, SQL, and the most popular machine learning algorithms. I’ve also developed packages in R and applications in Shiny. My professional background encompasses both data science and economic consulting.

Throughout the years I’ve worked in several economic consulting projects, mostly focused on urban intervention projects (e.g., transit-oriented development) and real estate analysis. At these jobs, I worked remotely in large multidisciplinary and multilingual teams.

Most recently I’ve worked at QuintoAndar, the largest real estate platform in Latin America, as an economist, data scientist and spokesperson. As part of my daily responsibilities, I developed real estate indicators and market reports. I worked directly with the C-level of the company, providing quarterly macroeconomic forecasts of the Brazilian real estate market and the broader economy.

I am fluent in both English and Portuguese and have a strong grasp of Spanish3.

Programming: R, Python, Quarto, RMarkdown, Shiny, SQL (PostGreSQL).

Reports: Office, Google Docs, and LaTeX.

Languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Some of my work


  1. The Economics Graduate course has been evaluated with a grade 7 (the highest grade), since the inception of the Capes’ plurianual review, indicating its high standard of international performance.↩︎

  2. Ranked by INEP (Ministry of Education) as the best public university in Brazil since 2012 and during 2012-2014 also as the best university in Brazil. Commonly ranked in the Top 10 of all Brazilian universities in both national and international rankings.↩︎

  3. I’ve delivered public presentations, meetings, and interviews in all these languages. You can see some of my highlighted interviews listed here.↩︎