Finding all The Coffee shops in Brazil

In this post, I’ll show you how to map every The Coffee shop in Brazil. I also show how to

Vinicius Oike


June 28, 2024

Finding all The Coffee shops in Brazil

In this post, I’ll show you how to map every The Coffee shop in Brazil in less time than it takes to brew a pot of coffee. All this from your laptop and without spending a dime.

We’ll use only R and a few packages to webscrape all addresses.

What is The Coffee

The Coffee is a Japanese-inspired chain of coffee shops with a distinct minimalist visual identity. Their street shops are small, clean, and extremely space-efficient, sometimes taking less than 20 m2. Most shops are for takeout only, with limited seating. They offer a wide variety of high quality coffee at a premium price point.

The company was founded in Curitiba, at the southern part of Brazil, in 2018, and has expanded rapidly to 12 countries with over 200 shops. Their franchise model in part explains this strong expansion.

Similar to Starbucks, product customization is a major selling point. Customers can choose and replace pretty much everything in their drinks, from adding and additional espresso shot, requiring an additional pump of chocolate syrup. Unlike Starbucks, however, most The Coffee shops are strictly to-go, or offer only minimal seating capacity. The Coffee (usually) doesn’t aim at becoming a 3rd place, where friends meet to share a cup of coffee, or work colleagues schedule a meeting. That said, there are exceptions and some shops do include tables and even

The Coffee also strays away from the traditional friendly-neighborhood barista and instead focuses on a more technological approach. Customers mainly interact with a tablet that displays the menu and all customization choices. Friendly chatter is optional, as a customer can get in, get his coffee without exchanging any words with the barista.


We’ll leverage the power of R, an open-source programming language that’s widely used in data science. Using R offers numerous advantages: it’s free, the code can be reused and adapted to various contexts, and its strong emphasis on reproducibility ensures that your analyses can be replicated by others.



import::from(tidygeocoder, geocode)
import::from(purrr, map, map2)
import::from(tidyr, unnest)

Finding the data

The data is extracted from The Coffee’s website. There is no single recipe or approach for webscraping: each website is organized differently, though there are patterns. In the case of The Coffee, units are separated by country and city; additionally each unit is identified by a name and has an address

The website

The site presents every unit by country and city. The print below shows an example unit in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Using R

The code below

# Base url 
base_url <- ""
# Parse HTML
page_list_brazil <- xml2::read_html(base_url)

# Gets the urls for all cities in Brazil

page_list_cities <- page_list_brazil |> 
  html_elements(xpath = "//div/ul/li/a") |> 

page_list_cities <- page_list_cities[str_detect(page_list_cities, "brasil/")]

url_cities <- str_c(base_url, str_remove(page_list_cities, "shortcut/brasil/"))

The code below is a function the scrapes the information of all shops for a given url of a city. The output is a simple data.frame.

scrape_the_coffee <- function(url) {
  # Parse the html
  page <- xml2::read_html(url)
  # Find the the name of the shop
  coffee_shop_name <- page |> 
    rvest::html_elements(xpath = "//div/ul/li/div/div/a/h4") |> 
  # Find the address of the shop
  address_list <- page |> 
    rvest::html_elements(xpath = "//div/ul/li/div/div/a/p") |> 
  # Remove shops that are not open yet
  address_list <- address_list[!str_detect(address_list, "coming soon")]
  street_name <- address_list[seq(1, length(address_list), 2)]
  city_name <- address_list[2]
  full_address <- paste(street_name, city_name)

  # Store results in a tibble
  out <- tibble::tibble(
    name = coffee_shop_name,
    address = full_address,
    street_name = street_name,
    city_name = city_name


Functional approach

The simplest approach to implement this funtion is applying it over a vector with all urls for all cities. This approach is usually safer and quicker and can be scalled with parallel processing (e.g. parallel::mclapply).

# Scrape all cities
coffee_locations <- map(url_cities, scrape_the_coffee)
names(coffee_locations) <- url_cities
dat <- bind_rows(coffee_locations, .id = "url")

Loop approach

pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = length(url_cities), style = 3)
ls <- vector("list", length(url_cities))

for (i in seq_along(url_cities)) {
  url <- url_cities[i]
  current_city <- basename(url)
  message("Scraping data for: ", current_city)
  ls[[i]] <- scrape_the_coffee(url)
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  Sys.sleep(runif(1, min = 1, max = 5))

Cleaning the data

unnabreviate <- function() {
  c("Av\\." = "Avenida",
    "Al\\." = "Alameda",
    "R\\."  = "Rua",
    "Dr\\." = "Doutor",
    "Visc\\." = "Visconde",
    "Pres\\." = "Presidente",
    "Mal\\." = "Marechal")

dat <- dat |> 
    city_name = str_remove(city_name, " - Brasil"),
    address = str_replace_all(address, unnabreviate()),
    country = "Brasil"


Geocoding the data is fairly straightforward. I use the Google Maps API via the tidygeocoder package to find the corresponding lat/lng pair for each address.

# Geocode using Maps API
coffee <- tidygeocoder::geocode(
  address = address,
  method = "google"

# Convert to spatial data.frame
shops <- st_as_sf(
  coords = c("long", "lat"),
  crs = 4326,
  remove = FALSE


The Coffee shops, major cities
City # Shops Share BR (%)
São Paulo 53 26.50%
Curitiba 29 14.50%
Brasília 21 10.50%
Rio de Janeiro 13 6.50%
Fortaleza 10 5.00%
Porto Alegre 9 4.50%
Florianópolis 6 3.00%
Vitória 5 2.50%
Campinas 4 2.00%
Belo Horizonte 3 1.50%
leaflet(shops) %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(label = ~name) %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB") %>%
  setView(lng = -46.65590, lat = -23.561197, zoom = 12)

Get Google Maps ratings

Starbucks post

cur_shops <- filter(shops, city_name == "Curitiba")

get_ratings <- function(lat, lng) {
  location <- c(lat, lng)
  places <- google_places("The Coffee", location = location, radius = 10)
  res <- places$results
  subres <- res %>%
    unnest(cols = "geometry") %>%
    unnest(cols = "location") %>%
      business_status, name, formatted_address, rating, user_ratings_total,
      lat, lng

ratings <- map2(cur_shops$lat, cur_shops$long, get_ratings)

dat_ratings <- ratings |> 
  bind_rows() |> 
  distinct() |> 
  filter(str_detect(name, "^The Coffee"))

dat_ratings <- dat_ratings |> 
    street_name = str_extract(formatted_address, "^[^,]+"),
    street_name = str_replace_all(street_name, unnabreviate()),
    street_name = stringi::stri_trans_general(street_name, "latin-ascii"),
    street_number = as.numeric(str_extract(formatted_address, "(?<=, )\\d+(?=\\b)"))

Merging with Census information

The code below shows how to gather census tract data for each The Coffee shop. Census tracts are the smallest administrative division that present socioeconomic and demographic data.

# Interpolation -------------------------------------------------------------

## Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Creates a n minute walk isochrone around a point
get_buffer <- function(point, radius = 5, simplified = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(length(radius) == 1 && is.numeric(radius))
  if (simplified) {
    point |> 
      sf::st_transform(crs = 31982) |> 
      # Simplified assumption
      sf::st_buffer(dist = ((1.5 - 1.2) / 2 + 1.2) * 60 * radius)
  } else {
    point |> 
      sf::st_transform(crs = 31982) |> 
      osrm::osrmIsochrone(breaks = radius, osrm.profile = "foot") |> 

# Interpolates an area with census tracts and aggregates population and households
interpolate_census <- function(census, target, variables = c("v0001", "v0003")) {

  if (st_crs(census) != st_crs(target)) {
    warning("CRS mismatch")
    census <- st_transform(census, crs = 31982)
    target <- st_transform(target, crs = 31982)

  # Select variables
  census <- dplyr::select(census, dplyr::all_of(variables))
  # Interpolate areas
  interp <- st_interpolate_aw(census, target, extensive = TRUE)

# Wrapper around get_buffer and interpolate_census
find_population <- function(shop, census, radius = 5, simplified = FALSE) {
  # Compute a 5-minute isochrone around
  buffer <- get_buffer(shop, radius, simplified)
  interpolated <- suppressWarnings(interpolate_census(census, buffer))

## Interpolate -------------------------------------------------------------

# Uniquely identifies each shop
city_shops <- city_shops |> 
  mutate(shop_id = row_number())

# To improve speed convert the full census data to 31982
city_census_utm <- st_transform(city_census, crs = 31982)

city_shops_census <- parallel::mclapply(
  split(city_shops, city_shops$shop_id),
  \(x) find_population(x, census = city_census_utm)

city_shops_census <- bind_rows(city_shops_census, .id = "shop_id")

city_shops <- city_shops |> 
  mutate(shop_id = as.character(shop_id)) |> 
Reading layer `curitiba_tcf_interpolate' from data source 
  using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 29 features and 11 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -49.32655 ymin: -25.45011 xmax: -49.21461 ymax: -25.40498
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84