Atlas Brasil

This app shows the distribution of a wide array of socioeconomic indicators across Brazil’s metropolitan regions.

Vinicius Oike

Sobre o aplicativo

Link para o aplicativo

Este aplicativo ajuda a visualizar uma série de indicadores socioeconômicos e demográficos nas regiões metropolitanas do Brasil. Os dados são do Atlas Brasil e o aplicativo foi inteiramente construído usando {shiny}. O código do aplicativo e alguns detalhes sobre a sua construção estão disponíveis no repositório do GitHub (em inglês).

Fiz este aplicativo em inglês então deixo o about abaixo.

About the app

The Atlas of Human Development is a comprehensive collection of development indicators in Brazil. It provides access to information that reveals socioeconomic realities and inequalities. The data is compiled from IBGE’s decennial Census and yearly PNAD/C survey. It is the result of a collaborative effort between PNUD (UN), IPEA, and FJP.

The interactive map displays both regions and UDHs (human development units) for the major metropolitan regions of Brazil in 2000 and 2010. Income values have been adjusted for inflation up to January 2023. The map options allow for different forms of aggregation and color palettes. The ranking tool ranks metro regions and includes more recent data from PNAD. Finally, the download data tool provides a convenient way to download all of the data used in this app.

The construction of this app required extensive data cleaning, classification, and standardization. I chose a smaller subset of variables to keep the app manageable and to avoid overwhelming the user with options. For reference, the complete Atlas UDH dataset contains almost 230 variables. This smaller subset of variables also allowed me to better integrate the different Atlas datasets. In the future, I will provide more details about this process on my blog.