Census Tracts in Brazil

Census tracts are the smallest administrative divisions that provide socio-economic and demographic data. They are highly useful for statistical and spatial analysis, offering a robust and reliable set of information at a fine geographical scale.

Vinicius Oike


June 14, 2024

Understanding Census Tracts in Brazil

Census tracts are the smallest administrative division that present socioeconomic and demographic data. Broadly speaking, census tracts are small areas that exhibit similar socioeconomic and demographic patterns. In another post I presented all of the Brazilian administrative and statistical subdivisions. Census tracts are small, usually much smaller than a neighborhood, but larger than a single block.

Census tracts are the strata used by National Bureau of Statistics and Geography (IBGE) in their decennial Census. The shape of each census tract usually respects administrative borders, land barriers, public spaces (parks, beaches, etc.), and follows the shape of roads, highways, or city blocks.

Census tracts also exhibit relatively homogeneous socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. This makes census tracts a very useful statistical tool in regression analysis and classification.

The map below shows the 2022 census tracts in Curitiba, a major city in the Southern part of Brazil.

curitiba_setores <- cur_setores %>%
  mutate(across(pop:dom_prt_ocup, as.numeric)) %>%
    area_km2 = as.numeric(area_km2),
    pop_dens_area = pop / area_km2,
    pop_dens_hh = pop / dom_prt_ocup

labels <- sprintf(
  "<b>Code Tract<b/>: %s <br>
  <b>Code Subdistrict<b/>: %s <br>
  <b>Name Subdistrict<b/>: %s",

labels <- lapply(labels, htmltools::HTML)

# center <- curitiba_setores %>%
#   summarise(geom = st_union(.)) %>%
#   st_centroid() %>%
#   st_coordinates()

curitiba_center <- c("lng" = -49.28824, "lat" = -25.47788)

leaflet(curitiba_setores) |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(weight = 2, fillColor = "gray80", color = "#feb24c", label = labels) |> 
  addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB.Positron") |> 
  setView(curitiba_center[[1]], curitiba_center[[2]], zoom = 15)

Getting the data


The data can be downloaded from IBGE’s website.


The package geobr (available for both Python and R) provides a convenient way to import census tracts directly into a session. The example code below shows how to import the most recent shape file for São Paulo’s census tracts1.

# Import census tracts for São Paulo
spo_tract <- geobr::read_census_tract(3550308, year = 2022)

Using census tracts

Census tracts come with a large variety of socioeconomic and demographic data. The 2022 Census currently only has a limited set of variables, that include total population and the total number of households. More data should be released in the future.

The 2010 census tracts offers a much richer set of variables including demographic information on age, sex, and race as well as income and education. There is a clear trade-off however as this data is almost 15 years old.

Demographic data

The maps below show basic demographic information from the 2022 Census highlighting the central district in Curitiba. For simplicity, I omit the color legend but darker shades of blue represent higher values, while lighter/whiter shades of blue represent lower values. Technically, these are quintile maps, where the underlying numerical data was ordered and binned into five equal-sized groups.

setores_centro <- cur_setores |> 
  # Administração Regional da Matriz
  filter(code_subdistrict == 41069020501) |> 
    pop = as.numeric(pop),
    pop_quintile = ntile(pop, 5),
    area_km2 = as.numeric(area_km2),
    pop_dens = pop / area_km2 * 10,
    pop_dens = ntile(pop_dens, 5),
    pop_dom = ntile(pop_dom, 5)

theme_map <- theme_void() +
    legend.position = "none",
    plot.title = element_text(size = 14, hjust = 0.5)

m1 <- ggplot(setores_centro) +
  geom_sf() +
  ggtitle("Census tracts") +

m2 <- ggplot(setores_centro) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = pop_quintile), lwd = 0.15, color = "white") +
  scale_fill_fermenter(direction = 1, breaks = 1:5) +
  ggtitle("Population") +

m3 <- ggplot(setores_centro) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = pop_dens), lwd = 0.15, color = "white") +
  ggtitle("Pop. Density") +
  scale_fill_fermenter(direction = 1, breaks = 1:5) +

m4 <- ggplot(setores_centro) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = pop_dom), lwd = 0.15, color = "white") +
  ggtitle("Persons per Household") +
  scale_fill_fermenter(direction = 1, breaks = 1:5) +

Household income per capita

More sophisticated analysis can be made using census tracts, but - currently - this is only possible using 2010 data. The map below shows household income data at a census tract level for the entire city of Curitiba. The map shows higher levels of income in the city center and lower levels of income in the city’s periphery.

While the absolute values of income are certainly out of date, the overall spatial distribution of the data might still be similar. Since this maps uses deciles of income, instead of the actual income value, it can still communicate valuable information. This is, of course, a strong hypothesis that might be more or less valid in different contexts.

curitiba_income <- curitiba_income |> 
  mutate(decile = ntile(income_pc, 10))

ggplot(curitiba_income) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = decile, color = decile)) +
    name = "HH Income per capita (deciles)",
    palette = "Spectral",
    breaks = 1:10,
    labels = c("Bottom 10%", rep("", 8), "Top 10%"),
    na.value = "gray50",
    direction = 1) +
    name = "HH Income per capita (deciles)",
    palette = "Spectral",
    breaks = 1:10,
    labels = c("Bottom 10%", rep("", 8), "Top 10%"),
    na.value = "gray50",
    direction = 1) +
  labs(title = "Curitiba: Household Income per capita (deciles)") +
  ggthemes::theme_map() +
    plot.title = element_text(size = 18, hjust = 0.5),
    legend.position = c(0.9, 0.05)

The 2022 Census

Brazil’s most recent demographic Census was delayed due to Covid-19 and governmental budget cuts. I wrote a post (in Portuguese) that describes this turbulent context and how it might have affected the quality of the information collected.

There was a significant increase in the number of census tracts in Brazil. While the total number of cities barely changed, the total number of census tracts increased by more than 40%, reaching over 454 thousand.

The table below summarizes the changes in the past 3 editions of the Census.

Year Num. Cities Num. Census Tracts Population
2000 1.058 254.855 169.590.693
2010 5.565 316.545 190.755.799
2022 5.571 454.047 203.080.756

Higher Resolution

An obvious improvement from the 2010 census tracts is the gain in spatial resolution. The maps below show the central area of Curitiba where there was a 33% increase in the number of total census tracts.

Important considerations

Some important considerations to keep in mind when working with census tracts.

  1. Shape is not time consistent.
  2. Number of census tracts varies.
  3. Area of census tracts can be very different.

Census tracts follow the evolution of cities. As cities grow in size and complexity, so do the shape and number of the tracts. In the 2010 Census, São Paulo had nearly 19.000 census tracts, in the most recent Census it had 27.600 tracts, a 45% increase. Note that the borders of the city remained unchanged during this period.

New census tracts aren’t necessarily subsets of previously existing tracts. This means that comparing census tracts through time is not so straightforward. A way to standardize census tracts is to “dissolve” them into a statistical grid and either (1) use this higher resolution grid directly; or (2) use the grid as an intermediary step to interpolate different census data into a common standard.

Census tracts can vary a lot in size. It’s a common practice to include large chunks of uninhabited land (e.g. public parks) into a single huge census tract. This means that creating “intensive” variables such as population density can be tricky in some cases.

While the size of census tracts varies, the underlying demographic data can be much more well-behaved. The histograms below show the distribution of (1) total population and the (2) average number of persons per household among all census tracts in Curitiba. Population data is relatively normal-shaped, with a right skew; note that the distribution also has a small spike at zero, since there are several non-populated census tracts. To improve this visualization, I remove outliers from the second plot2.

Dealing with spatial inconsistency

A simple strategy to deal with census tracts’ spatial inconsistency is to define a common spatial grid. This means choosing either a (1) grid of triangles; (2) grid of squares; or (3) grid of hexagons. In this example, I choose a simple squared grid.

The maps below show the same Census population data in a squared 100x100m squared grid. While I omit the color legend of the plots, I scaled them equally as to make them directly comparable; also, darker shades of green indicate higher values, while ligher shades of green indicate lower values.

The 2010 Census data was directly imported using the censobr R package.

# Get demographic data for 2010 census
basico <- censobr::read_tracts(dataset = "Basico")
# Get number of households (private)
basico <- basico %>%
  filter(code_muni == 4106902) %>%
  select(code_tract, dom = V001) %>%
# Join with census tract shape
setores_centro_antigo <- left_join(setores_centro_antigo, basico, by = "code_tract")

# Create a grid
grid_centro <- setores_centro %>%
  st_union() %>%
  st_make_valid() %>%
  st_transform(crs = 32722) %>%
  st_make_grid(cellsize = 500) %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%
  st_transform(crs = 4674) %>%
  mutate(gid = row_number(.))

# Join census data with the new grid
grid_2010 <- setores_centro_antigo %>%
  select(dom) %>%
  st_interpolate_aw(grid_centro, extensive = TRUE) 
# Join 2020 census data with the new grid
grid_2020 <- setores_centro %>%
  select(dom_prt) %>%
  st_interpolate_aw(grid_centro, extensive = TRUE)

d1 <- grid_2010 %>%
  st_centroid() %>%
  st_join(grid_centro) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  rename(dom_2010 = dom)

d2 <- grid_2020 %>%
  st_centroid() %>%
  st_join(grid_centro) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  rename(dom_2020 = dom_prt)

full_grid <- grid_centro %>%
  left_join(d1) %>%

bbox <- setores_centro |> 
  st_union() %>%
  st_transform(crs = 32722) %>%
  st_buffer(dist = 100) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 4674) %>%

m3 <- full_grid %>%
    chg = (dom_2020 / dom_2010 - 1) * 100,
    chg_bin = cut(chg, breaks = c(-Inf, 0, 50, 100, Inf))
  )  %>%
  st_make_valid() %>%
  filter(!is.na(chg_bin)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = chg_bin), color = "white") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Greens") +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  theme_void() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))


  1. As of June 2024, the shape↩︎

  2. Census tracts where there either 0 persons per household or more than 4 persons per household are considered outliers.↩︎